Wood Types
Not all woods are created equal. Ziegler Door designs can be made out of any wood species imaginable, It is important to understand what wood types will work best with your home. Below are many of the popular species we offer as well as information regarding weather and aging properties, color and grain consistency. Climate along with sun and moisture create the biggest challenges for wood. Choose a wood that will compliment your homes design and style. Pick a color to add your personal touch to any wood or composite material.

African Mahogany
African Mahogany - A sub-Saharan species of Mahogany is a very strong dense wood with red and brown tones. This is a strong wood (medium density) that flourishes in the region of Africa (abundant regrowth and sustainable commodity). There is a natural tannin in this wood which also deters wood destroying pests combined with the density of the wood, makes this an ideal material for exterior features. The natural color (caused by tannin) is more evenly distributed with softer color variations and dark prominent grains make this an ideal wood for luxurious applications, modern features and designs with a timeless classic elegance. Because of its timeless elegance, Mahogany has a bad reputation of being too expensive. This is a terrible misconception due to the BGCI Tree Conservation and forest restoration act in Africa there is an abundant resource of this product making it surprisingly more affordable over other slow growing dense woods.

ECO Rough
ECO ROUGH SAWN- Known as “Our Builder Model”, this garage door has been the premier choice for home builders such as Toll Brothers, Brookfield, Taylor Morrison and the Irvine Company for over 20 years. A ply core wood product underwritten by LEED as a green building material with low emitting chemicals. Designed for harsh weather conditions this is an ideal long lasting real wood look and feel with out the hit to your wallet. The finish is resign embossed top layer which resembles texture from rough sawn cedar. With a lifetime warranty against cracking, splitting or delaminating this is great choice for just about any application.

ECO Smooth
ECO Smooth: Ziegler composite doors built from Eco Smooth. Exterior glue and a resign impregnated top layer. These materials are guaranteed against cracking or splitting and ideal for super smooth painted finish that will stay true regardless of final color or climate. Eco smooth looks like wood when painted but without the maintenance required to keep up a perfect finish. Because real wood expands, contracts, cracks etc, the paint also expands and cracks. With Eco smooth all of the movement is limited allowing the finish to last much longer.

Knotty Alder
Knotty Alder - The modern western wood can make you want to jump onto your horse and ride into the sunset. A softer grain with prominent large knots are ideal for that western pacific design. You can add dramatic beauty to any opening by using this soft brown wood grain and pop it with large dark brown and black knots. The character of this wood will bring out the Clint Eastwood in all of us and make your day.

Rift Sawn White Oak
Rift Sawn Oak - The rift sawn is the direction in which it is cut, similar to a vertical grain, the difference is a rift sawn oak grain ideally would be about a 45 degree angle for optimum strength and appearance. White oak is used for its strength and beauty in a verity of designs and house styles. White oak grains bring the natural look and feel of old world meets contemporary modern american design. Its ideal for stain because the dramatic linear grain and light wood color opens the possibilities to shade in any color stain you desire. There are no rich tannins to contradict your desired look, making this ideal for a precise finish. With strength and durability you can use this wood anywhere. Because of the density and low moisture absorption you can rest easy about molds and dry rot issues.

STK Cedar
STK (select tight knot) Cedar - This comes from the new growth at the top of the Western Red Cedar tree in the pacific northwest and is a great choice for old world looks like Spanish, Mediterranean,and Santa Barbara style homes. STK knots are small (usually less than the size of dime), As a rule we try to "Select" (hence the name) boards that have tight knots that are less likely to fall out. Cedar is an excellent choice for exterior applications due to a natural tannin oil that wood destroying pest prefer not to eat, although no wood is impervious to wood destroying pests Cedar is a better choice for this reason. This is a protected species. All Cedars come in smooth, rough sawn or wire brushed finishes.

Teak: Teak is one of the highest quality woods available. With its high quality comes a high price. Teak is a hard wood used in many marine applications and nautical decking for Yaughts that are exposed to moisture year round. Because of its density, Teak has the least yield for expansion and contraction. Teak can be submerged underwater without a change in character. It is rare for Teak to warp, but as with all wood there is no guarantee. Teak - high density with deep red and black colors make this an premier finish for decks, doors and sashes. There is a natural oil deep int the wood the prevents this material from decay. Because of the hardness and oil of this wood, it is unlikely that you will ever have a problem with wood destroying pests. Teak is exotic and full of natural colors, there is no need to add color to it but if you are looking to intensify the boldness you can add a penetrating oil based stain to create a richer finish. Its easy to maintain and often people let the natural colors of the wood patina with the elements which turns to n ash grey over time.

VG Clear Cedar
Clear Cedar (aka Vertical Grain Cedar) - Also comes from the Wester Red Cedar tree in the pacific northwest and is typically cut from the old growth, base of the tree. This is a soft grain wood that is versatile for many applications and many housing designs. Since the grain is soft you can use it as a paint grade or stain grade wood overlay to accent your designs. Clear cedar does have random color variations from blond, browns and red colors. The grains are soft but the color ranges can be dominant and these color variations add a lot of personality and vibrance to your finished product when staining. The natural colors in the wood can stand alone with just a clear coat finish with a wow look. In some applications we can select only the blond wood boards (called clear), thus eliminating most (not all) of the darker brown and red tones if you are after a softer finish. All clear cedar and VG Cedar wood has to be hand selected at the mill to achieve the horizontal grain throughout the board and maintain a designer professional appeal.